技术解读:Particle Network构建的Access Layer of Open Web
导语:虽然AA钱包在很大程度上降低了用户使用门槛,初步实现了gas代付与web2账户登录,但隐私登录-隐私交易、全链统一AA账户、Intent专用架构等与mass adoption相关的设计,仍然要在AA的基础上添砖加瓦。
我们将以Particle Network为例,详解目前Web3产品在体验上的问题,以及如何针对性地设计一套综合的技术解决方案,而这种综合解决方案可能正是mass adoption的必要条件。同时,Particle的BtoBtoC商业策略,恰好也是许多项目方需要学习借鉴的思路。
Particle Network以解决使用门槛为核心,用B2B2C的产品构建与生态发展思路,针对Web3大规模采用提出了一整套解决方案。其核心模块为三个:
Particle Chain——专门用于Particle的全链账户抽象(Omnichain Account Abstraction)方案,致力于解决智能合约钱包的跨链部署、维护和调用问题。配套的还有通用gas代币(Unified Gas Token),用以解决多链交易时需要用到不同gas币种的麻烦。
Intent Fusion Protocol,包含了简洁的DSL(Domain Specific Language)语言,Intent框架,Intent Solver Network等,用以构建一套基于意图(Intent)的Web3交互框架,用户直接声明自己的交易意图而非去执行每一条具体的操作,使用户摆脱繁琐的路径思考,并减少对复杂底层基础设施的理解。
在钱包侧,Particle主要以WaaS(智能合约钱包即服务)的形式来为dApp开发者提供SDK,以期让开发者接入其完整的Web3 mass adoption框架。这种BtoBtoC方案从商业和生态角度看有几个优点:
2.隐私交易。通过智能匿踪地址(Smart Stealth Address)机制实现点对点的通用性隐私转账,并使用ERC4337的Paymaster让匿踪地址可以免gas地使用资产(gas赞助商)。
3.完备的AA钱包功能。Particle的钱包模块完全符合ERC-4337的基本要求,包含Bundler、EntryPoint、Paymaster、Smart Wallet Account 等ERC-4337工作流中的重要部分,一站式的满足DAPP或用户对智能钱包的功能需求。
Particle的隐私登录方案利用了JWT(Json Web Token),可以在合约内进行Web2身份认证和操作钱包。
(图源:FlutterFlow Docs)
·"iss" (Issuer) ,表明JWT的发行者,也即服务端,如Google、Twitter等。
·"aud" (Audience) ,表明该JWT所使用的服务或应用,如在登录Medium时使用Twitter登录,那么Twitter发行JWT时此字段会写明该JWT适用于Medium。
·"sub" (Subject) ,指的就是接受该JWT的用户身份,一般用UID标示。
与JWT相对应的概念是JWK(JSON Web Key),它是服务端的一组密钥对。服务端在发放JWT的时候会用JWK的私钥签名,而对应的公钥是公开的,用于给其他服务验证其签名。
·验证登录信息的Verifier合约,只会感知到一个与用户身份-JWT相关的ZK Proof,以及一个无伤大雅的eph_pk,无法直接获知对应的钱包公钥或JWT信息,这样就可以保护用户隐私,外界无法从链上数据获知登录者身份。
1.Bob生成根消费私钥(root spending key) m
以及匿踪元地址(stealth meta-address) M
。M可以被m生成,二者关系为M = G * m
来生成该匿踪地址的消费私钥,也即p = m + hash(A)
相比DH需要增加的一步是,在各自算出共享秘密-匿踪地址A后,并不能用它当做私钥,因为Alice也知道A。需要构造消费私钥p = m + hash(A)
这其实是类似Tornado Cash的工作原理,通过资金证明(ZK化)既可以证明梅克尔树上的叶子节点集合中曾经有一笔充值,花费时任何人却无法得知具体消耗了哪个叶子节点上的资金,以此切断消费者和充值者之间的联系。
Particle Chain & 全链账户抽象
Particle Chain是一条为全链账户抽象(Omnichain Account Abstraction)而设计的POS链。着眼现状和未来,都不可能是单链的天下,在多链工况下提升用户体验是至关重要的。
Particle Chain的全链账户抽象针对上述痛点:
·在Particle Chain上建立AA钱包。
·通过LayerZero等AMB(Arbitrary Message Bridge)跨链协议,将各种操作,如新建、升级、更改权限等同步至其他链上。可以理解为其他链上的钱包都是该链上钱包的引用,只需要修改主体即可同步至所有钱包。
·通过一致参数的Deployer Contract来保证各链上钱包地址相同。
·各个链之间钱包也可以通过AMB互相调用,并非都要从Particle Chain发起。
·发行Unified Gas Token,全链gas币。由Paymaster机制实现ERC20充当gas费。即使在某条链上没有gas或Paymaster预存资金,也可以在符合条件的链上发起跨链交易消耗Unified Gas Token。
除了上述用途外,Particle Chain未来也许还可以用于:
·作为Intent Fusion Protocol的Solver网络。
在Particle Chain的叙事中,Unified Gas Token是整个生态中核心的价值抓手:
·Unified Gas Token从既有的公链生态中又抽象出gas层这一概念,而这种抽象,离开了Particle Chain与钱包是无法实现的,所以Unified Gas Token是Particle整个生态的一种价值的提现。有了gas层之后,各链的用户交互与增长以及本币价值,和Unified Gas Token是互惠共生的关系。
·dApp导入的用户直接为Unified Gas Token赋能,使用场景非常丰富。
Intent Fusion Protocol
1.用户提交将自己的意图用某种方式描述,如自然语言等以RFS(Request For Solver)形式提交给Solver网络。Solver是意图的解释器,目前常见的Solver有1inch等聚合器,可以为用户寻找最优的dex,但相比我们的愿景而言它们并不够通用和强大。
2.多个Solver给出回应,他们之间是竞争关系。这些回应由Intent DSL语言编写,再由客户端解析为易于用户理解的形式。这些回应包含Input Constraints和Output Constraints,界定了输入和输出的界限。用户也可以自行指定约束。一个简单的例子来理解:在使用Swap的时候会提示用户Swap后最少可获得的数量,这就是一种约束。用户自行在多个Solver的回应中进行选择。
Particle Network提出了一种全方位解决方案:通过zkWaaS、Particle Chain、Intent Fusion Protocol三位一体式的综合形态,实现了Web2 OAuth隐私登录,隐私交易,全链账户抽象和意图交易范式。每一个feature都将覆盖Web3使用的一部分痛点,这些进步与优化将成为日后Web3大规模采用的产品和技术基础。在生态和商业模式上,采用B2B2C范式,以WaaS为入口带动整个产品链条规模化标准化,与dApp开发者共建生态,共同为用户打造一个低门槛高体验的Web3世界。
当然,不同的项目对Web3 mass adoption的实现路径理解是不一样的。除了对具体项目的审视,我们希望通过不同的方案引出对Web3目前面临的onboard friction的理解,对用户需求和痛点的思考,以及对整个生态共同串联和发展的考量。
The author's introduction to the geek in Wuyue, although the wallet has greatly lowered the user's use threshold and initially realized the payment and account login, the related designs such as the whole chain of privacy login, privacy transaction and unified account-specific architecture still need to be built on the basis. Although we can see many optimization schemes such as waiting for the wallet or this smart contract effectively lowered the user's threshold, they only solved some of the above problems but did not cover the usability of the products in all directions. Obviously, most wallets at present. Or similar products can't support large-scale adoption. On the other hand, from the ecological point of view, the developer side is a very important level. It is only attractive to ordinary users on the product, but it is difficult to form an increasingly large-scale development experience optimization scheme. The emergence of the developer side has already explained the importance of the product ecology. We will take the example to explain in detail the current product experience problems and how to design a comprehensive technical solution. The solution may be the necessary condition, and the business strategy is also the idea that many project parties need to learn from. The complete solution of product structure is to solve the use threshold as the core, and the idea of product construction and ecological development is put forward. For large-scale adoption, the core module is three services based on zero knowledge proof. Developers can quickly integrate smart wallet modules into their own wallets based on the provision. The wallet is a smart contract wallet based on account abstraction, which can not only realize the generation. Basic scenarios such as payment can also provide privacy login mode and privacy transaction, and the full-chain account abstraction scheme dedicated to solving the cross-chain deployment, maintenance and call problems of smart contract wallets. There are also universal tokens to solve the trouble of using different currencies when multi-chain transactions, including a concise language framework, etc. To build an intention-based interactive framework, users can directly declare their trading intentions instead of performing every specific operation to get rid of the complexity. Trivial path thinking and reducing the understanding of complex underlying infrastructure, the combined smart wallet as a service is mainly provided for developers in the form of smart contract wallet as a service on the wallet side, in order to allow developers to access its complete framework. From the commercial and ecological point of view, this scheme has several advantages. The simple end wallet competition has become fierce and the functions are similar. The end wallet is no longer a good starting point. On the other hand, developers are increasingly inclined to build wallets inside to avoid user connection. Wallet trading needs to experience the loss of switching wallets and provide more customizable functions. The high cost of obtaining customers at the end, but the growth of different users at the end, mainly comes from the integrated, as long as the relationship with developers is good, the city can be surrounded by rural expansion. At present, the wallet at the end is mainly focused on finance and assets. It is hard to say that this is the main scene in the future. It is necessary to achieve large-scale adoption. There must be more basic characteristics of projects, user identity accounts and user operations. As a bottom-level service, the transaction is abstracted, and the richer scenes in the upper layer are handed over to you. From the previous connection portal, we can observe that there is a close binding relationship between wallets and wallets. It is very critical to improve the market share of wallets as much as possible. This is a close advantage for the model, and it is necessary to build a set that can meet the needs of users, reduce the use threshold and make it easy for developers to access. It is another pillar of the success of the scheme. There are three core privacy logins on contract wallets, using traditional logins. Verification methods such as WeChat login let users get rid of the shackles of private key management completely and enter in the most familiar and simple way. At the same time, they use zero-knowledge proof to hide the user's identity, and realize point-to-point universal privacy transfer through the intelligent hidden address mechanism. The wallet module that allows the hidden address to be used without using the complete wallet function of the asset sponsor fully meets the basic requirements, including the one-stop satisfaction of important parts in the workflow or the user's function of smart wallet. The privacy login scheme that requires account-based online wallet privacy login makes use of the identity authentication and operation within the contract. Wallet is a kind of identity certificate issued by the server to the client, which is widely used in the traditional Internet. The client authenticates itself with this certificate every time it interacts with the server. There are several key fields in the source, which are the basis of contract authentication, indicating the publisher, that is, the server indicates the service or application used, such as using login. When recording and issuing, this field will indicate that the user's identity that is applicable refers to accepting it. In practice and in most cases, it will not change, otherwise it will bring great confusion to internal systems and external references. Therefore, these parameters can be used to determine the user's identity by contract, so that users do not need to generate and keep the private key at all. The corresponding concept is that it is a set of keys of the server, and the corresponding public key is open for giving. Other services verify their signatures, for example, when using login, the public public key will be verified to confirm that the authenticity is indeed the verification of the issued contract pair. The flow of the privacy login scheme will also be used as shown in the following figure, in which the specific circuits are shown. Let's skip some contracts that focus on verifying login information in the flow, and only perceive a user's identity and a harmless wallet public key or information that cannot be directly obtained, so as to protect the user's privacy. Private outsiders can't know the identity of the login from the data on the chain. Temporary key pair is a kind of key pair used in a single session, which is not the public key and private key of the wallet. Users don't need to care about this system and can also do offline verification. It can be used for contract wallets with equal logic. Because this is a contract verification scheme based on traditional login methods, users can also designate other social contacts as their guardians in case their accounts are cancelled, and so on. Before talking about the privacy transaction scheme, let's first examine how to realize the privacy transaction of the receiver in the existing system, that is, to hide the receiver's address. We assume that the sender has some common knowledge for the receiver to generate the root consumption private key and the vanishing element address can be generated. The relationship between the two represents a mathematical relationship in cryptographic operation. The vanishing element address obtained in any way generates a temporary private key and uses an algorithm to generate a vanishing address, which is the prepared exclusive vanishing address. After receiving the assets, it has control over the address and then generates it according to the temporary private key. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台
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