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Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be bought and sold anonymously and used in the online world as a substitute for cash or credit cards. The figure is that customers are trading with Bitcoin ATMs.



The Group of Twenty (G20) Hangzhou Summit made the digital economy an important topic for the first time and adopted the G-20 Digital Economic Development and Cooperation Initiative. The block chain is the technological vehicle for digital money and is an important shape for the development of the digital economy. It may not only reshape all aspects of the money market, payment systems, financial services, and economic patterns, but it will also change many areas of life.


The science is based on consensus algorithms and smart contracts.


The block chain technology that went online in January 2009 and was known as the second generation of the Internet, one predicts that it could bring about a dramatic change in people's lives, like the first generation of the Internet. In general, we call the first generation of the Internet the Information Internet, primarily using Internet technology to deliver information more quickly and better. The three companies in China's “BAT” (100 degrees, Alibaba and Totem), in fact, are information-dissemination businesses; and the use of block chain technology heralds the advent of a value Internet age.


Block chain technology is an Internet database technology that is characterized by decentralisation, openness and transparency, allowing everyone to participate in database records. It is a way for everyone to be involved in bookkeeping, and all systems have a database behind them. It becomes important who keeps the book. Who's the recordr at the moment, the bank's books are the bank's books, the bank's books are Ali Baba's books. But now, in block chain systems, everyone in the system has the opportunity to be involved in bookkeeping. If there is a new change in transactional data, everyone in the system can record the account over a period of time, the system will judge the fastest person in the period, write the contents of its records to the account book, and send them back to others in the system. So everyone in the system has a complete book.


At the same time, financial transfers no longer require financial intermediation as a endorsement of trust, but rather rely on a set of mathematical algorithms that allow people to launch self-help financial exchanges on a point-to-point basis. After all, point-to-point exchanges can save up to a lot of intermediation costs.


First, as a distributional database technology, it can create a public system for sharing information, anyone can be a data-recorder, and anyone has complete data. With a consensus algorithm, the data recorded in the database can be tracked, audited and non-recordable. Third, as a programming technique, a study last year by the HSBC concluded that central banks could use the programming techniques of the block chains, track the flow of legal digital currency issued by central banks, and implement monetary policy precisely.


In the early 1990s, a cryptographer named Niczabo also began to explore smart contracts. Smart contracts mean that smart contracts implement the corresponding contract terms when a prearranged condition is triggered.


In addition to the technical context, we can also see the economic context of the block chain: the liberal economics of Hayek. Social thinking suggests that the development of the block chain technology is clearly influenced by the famous sociologist Kevin Kelly’s Out of Control. Out of Control is a book on the evolution of human society, nature, and science and technology, in which Kevin Kelly summed up the evolution of industrial society as an evolutionary theory based on mechanical logic, and the evolution of the information society as an evolutionary theory based on biological logic.


It's the first thing in the world to be connected to finance streets and goods.


The financial sector, because it is the most digital industry, is considered to be the first to apply block-chain technology. At present, most block-chain entrepreneurs are targeting a wide variety of financial sector applications, with more sophisticated payments, cross-border remittances, crowd-sourcing, digital asset transactions, etc. There are dozens of financial applications that are being tested and validated in regional innovation laboratories in major financial institutions, and will soon be added to the financial sector’s production environment. Ten years later, it is expected that sector-chain technology will become the backbone of the financial sector’s core production system.


Another huge application of block chain technology is in terms of material networking. The 2014 White Paper on Networking of Materials, published by International Business Machines (IBM) in the United States, entitled “Equator Democracy”, concludes that when 100 billion devices are online in 2050, neither the telecommunications bandwidth nor the central database can afford to transmit, store and process this amount of data, and the identification of this quantum device cannot be managed well. The block chain may be the most elegant solution for connecting hundreds of millions of equipment levels. To truly separate ownership from access, the block chain technology may indeed be the best solution: to register the identity of the tenant and the identity of the car on the block chain ledger, it would be as convenient as to drive its own vehicle downstairs, and the rental party of the vehicle would be able to confirm the identity of the tenant at the second stage of the block chain, and if all of the smart contracts were automatically completed, it would be completely different from the use of it.


As a second-generation Internet, block-chain technology is a value transfer protocol that is as important in the Internet TPCP/IP structure as the Hypertext Transfer Agreement (HTTP), and it can also be said that HTTP and the Block-Link Value Transfer Agreement (BLOCKCHAIN) are two of the most central protocols in Internet applications. Because of the information Internet, human society has changed dramatically, so social welfare has increased; because of the value Internet, human society is bound to embark on a more perfect revolution.

  正是因为这样的共识, 一些国家政府对区块链持积极态度。对区块链上的第一个产品——数字货币比特币,欧盟承认比特币是货币,按照货币监管;美国把比特币归为资产,等同于石油等大宗商品。区块链是金融科技的基础设施和核心技术之一,一些国家还设立了沙盒机制支持区块链技术等金融科技。沙盒机制是指在计算机世界,一个新的系统要上线应用,为安全起见,一般都会先设置一个测试环境,在测试之后才能进入真正的生产系统中。英国、新加坡和澳大利亚三国监管机构还宣布认可对方的沙盒机制,创业公司在任何一方沙盒的实验成果在三国都通用。近一年,美英等国的央行都宣称正在研究发行法定数字货币。

For the first product on the block chain – the digital currency bitcoin – the EU recognizes Bitcoin as a currency, subject to monetary regulation; the US classifies Bitcoin as an asset, equivalent to major commodities such as oil. The block chain is one of the infrastructure and core technologies of financial science and technology, and some countries have set up sandbox mechanisms to support financial technologies such as block chain technology.


Block chain technology has entered a new phase of accelerated development. The block chain was initially developed in a community-based manner by a group of grass-roots technologists; a group of entrepreneurs have begun to use the support of venture capital funds in recent years, starting at an early age; in 2016, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, among others, entered the block chain industry, and it is expected that the maturity of block chain technology will accelerate.


I'm going to borrow a block chain or I'm going to bend overboard.


In the second generation of the Internet – the value Internet – this market pattern is expected to remain in place. US Internet companies have both market size and original technology; and Chinese Internet companies now only have market size and lack original technology.


At present, block chain technology is at an early stage of development, some distance from the practical application of the financial sector. Both core block chain technologies, namely consensus algorithms and encryption algorithms, have much room for optimization, refinement, and even innovation.


On smart bond platforms, bond issues, transactions, settlements are fully automated, and there is no need for bank-backer post-dealing settlements, making use of the size of programmed bond issues, interest rates, and agreements on investor restrictions, the use of bonds, and the extent to which funds can be raised. Smart bond platforms allow only “ 文字格式和图片示例

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