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随着 Web3 应用场景的不断扩展,市场对于交易多样化的需求也随之增长,不再满足于简单的互换操作。作为 Web3 交易的入口,钱包工具一直都有很多迭代方向,比如在安全性、使用体验、入门门槛等方面都想尽办法创新改进。

以下这五个钱包平台,相比 MetaMask 或者其他老牌钱包工具提升巨大,对于新用户而言,不妨试试看这些产品,可能会对整个 Web3 体验有完全不同的认识。

Rabby Wallet:以太坊生态的最佳选择

Rabby Wallet 是由 DeBank 团队推出的能挑战 Metamask 的钱包。相比 Metamask,Rabby Wallet 在呈现方式上更人性化。Rabby Wallet 通过解析交易内容,在签名页为用户解析交易内容,并显示预计的余额变化,从而降低用户盲目签署交易的风险。Rabby Wallet 会将每笔交易发送到安全引擎进行筛查,帮助用户识别潜在的风险,并在发现可能存在的漏洞时发出警报,如「与交互合约之前曾遭受攻击」、「接收地址不存在于链上」等。

此外,对于现有的 MetaMask 帐户,用户可以一键导入到 Rabby Wallet,导入地址后,在 EVM 链上的所有代币都会自动显示,不用像 MetaMask 里那样去手动添加每个代币。

Rabby 最近也开放了积分系统,激励用户迁移,这或许是在为后续的代币做准备。


Backpack:Solana 生态的最佳选择

Solana 生态中,大家较为熟知的小幽灵钱包 Phantom,前几日陷入「内部跟踪钱包并将此出售」的质疑风波中,尽管 Phantom 联创 Brandon Millman 表示不会出售用户数据,只是采用技术防止女巫攻击,但市场对此回应并不认同,认为这就是变相承认与合作团队共享了钱包数据。

与此同时,Backpack 钱包选择了另一条完全不同的路线,最大的特点就是其开放性并且足够简单易用。Backpack 表示,他们是 Solana 生态唯一的开源钱包。其实加密钱包的开源应该是这个行业的最基本标准,不应该成为一个「优势」,但 Phantom 不仅没有实现,还尝试利用用户数据变现。

除此之外,Backpack Wallet 还有很多高级功能,适合重度用户使用。



2023 年 Friend.tech 爆火,也让其采用的 Privy 嵌入式钱包进入大众视线。Privy 是一个 WaaS 工具包,用于在 Web3 中实现渐进式身份验证。WaaS (Wallet-as-a-Service)提供一组 API,通过云服务将数字钱包的功能提供给用户,使其无需下载、安装或管理复杂的钱包软件。也就是说 Friend.tech 用户可以直接使用其电话号码、Apple 或 Google ID 创建帐户并直接使用应用程序。Friend.tech 之所以能够快速爆发,部分原因就是在于其简单的入门流程。

Privy 帮助开发者通过多种身份验证方法引导用户入门,开发者可以有针对性地控制何时触发身份验证流程和钱包连接,以改善用户体验和提高转化率。在安全性方面,Privy 提供对嵌入钱包的多因素身份验证,支持短信验证和基于时间的一次性密码(TOTP)验证两种方法。据 Privy 的文档,他们采用 SSS (Shamir's secret sharing)多签方案,将私钥分为三片,用户设备的浏览器中有一份、Privy 存储一份、用户用强密码加密(或 Privy 的独立服务器中)一份,有其中两份就可以组装成私钥,而且私钥也只在设备的内存中出现,并不存储。



专注于链抽象基础设施的 Particle Network 在 WaaS 的基础上进一步提供了一系列功能和工具,推出 Smart Wallet-as-a-Service Modular Stack。该模块化堆栈集成了账户抽象技术,使开发者可以免费构建更复杂、具有高级逻辑的应用程序。据 Particle Network 公开的数据,他们为用户已经实现了 300 万次的 ERC-4337 标准的操作(User Operations)。

此外,在 BTC 生态,Particle Network 推出了 BTC Connect 来解决原生比特币钱包(如 Unisat)由于签名算法、地址生成逻辑、交易结构的不同,无法直接适配 EVM 链环境的问题,提供了账户抽象和适配等功能,仅需要比特币钱包签名就可以完成 EVM 链上的交互,提高用户体验。



JoyID Wallet 基于 Passkey 这个新一代的开放标准,很多现代的移动设备都可以通过内置的安全芯片增强钱包的安全性,同时又不牺牲用户体验,甚至超越了传统的「用户名+密码」的登录体验。

此外,JoyID 通过采用 PWA(Progressive Web App),绕开了 Apple/Google 对于 App Store 的限制,进一步减少被审查的可能性。


With the continuous expansion of application scenarios, the demand for diversified transactions in the market has also increased, and it is no longer satisfied with simple exchange operations. As the entrance wallet tool for transactions, there have always been many iterative directions, such as the entry threshold for safe use experience, and so on. They have tried their best to innovate and improve the following five wallet platforms, which are greatly improved compared with other old wallet tools. For new users, they may wish to try these products and have a completely different understanding of the whole experience. The best choice is that the wallet launched by the team is more humanized than the presentation mode. By analyzing the transaction content, the user can analyze the transaction content on the signature page and display the expected balance change, so as to reduce the risk of users signing the transaction blindly. Each transaction will be sent to the security engine for screening to help users identify potential risks and give an alarm when discovering possible vulnerabilities, such as being attacked before interacting with the contract, and the receiving address does not exist in the chain. Account users can import to the import address with one click, and then all the tokens in the chain will be automatically displayed. There is no need to manually add each token as in the store. Recently, the points system has been opened to encourage users to migrate. This may be the best choice for the follow-up tokens. In the ecology, the well-known little ghost wallet was caught in the questioning storm of internal tracking wallet and selling it a few days ago. Although Lianchuang said that it would not sell user data, it only used technology to prevent witch attacks, but the market responded. I don't agree that this is a disguised admission to sharing wallet data with the cooperative team. At the same time, the wallet has chosen a completely different route. The biggest feature is that it is open and simple enough to use, which means that they are the only open source wallet in the ecology. In fact, the open source of encrypted wallets should be the most basic standard in this industry, and it should not be an advantage, but it has not been realized. In addition, there are many advanced functions suitable for heavy users to use the new generation of money. The explosion of the package-as-a-service platform in 2008 also brought the embedded wallet it adopted into the public eye. It is a toolkit for realizing progressive authentication in the Internet, providing a set of functions of digital wallet to users through cloud services, so that they do not need to download, install or manage complicated wallet software, that is, users can directly use their phone numbers or create accounts and directly use applications. Part of the reason why it can explode quickly is that its simple entry process helps developers through multiple identities. The authentication method guides users to get started. Developers can control when to trigger the authentication process and wallet connection in a targeted way to improve the user experience and increase the conversion rate. In terms of security, they provide multi-factor authentication for embedded wallets, support SMS authentication and time-based one-time password authentication. They use a multi-signature scheme to divide the private key into three pieces. One piece is stored in the browser of the user device, and one piece is stored in an independent server encrypted by the user with a strong password. Two copies can be assembled into a private key, and the private key only appears in the memory of the device and does not store more mature iterations. The developer-friendly wallet-as-a-service platform focuses on the existence of chain abstract infrastructure and further provides a series of functions and tools. The modular stack integrates account abstraction technology, so that developers can build more complex applications with high-level logic for free. According to the published data, they have achieved standard operations for users for ten thousand times, and in addition, they have launched ecologically. In order to solve the problem that the native bitcoin wallet can't directly adapt to the chain environment due to the different logical transaction structure of the signature algorithm address generation, it provides functions such as account abstraction and adaptation, which can complete the interaction on the chain only by signing the bitcoin wallet and improve the user experience. Based on this new generation of open standards, many modern mobile devices can enhance the security of the wallet through the built-in security chip without sacrificing the user experience or even surpassing the traditional login experience of the username and password. In addition, the possibility of being censored is further reduced by bypassing the restrictions on. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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